
Ladies And Gentlemen, Start Your Engines!!!

        If you're interested in game development and you're not a masochist, you'll need to use a game engine. A game engine is a program that comes packaged with a bunch of things that make making games and other applications much, much easier! You've probably heard of them before, even if you know nothing about game development! Ever heard of Source? Frostbite? Unreal Engine? Unity? Gamemaker? At the last meeting, we went over everything you need to know about game engines, so that you can choose the one that's right for you!

        This weekend was the Unity Workshop! Everyone who came learned how to make a complete video game in the Unity game engine completely from scratch! Great job everyone who came!

Here's an album full of pictures from the workshop!  https://imgur.com/a/OZrN2

        At the next meeting, we'll be discussing our struggles and successes when it comes to game development. A few of us officers will be giving talks and showing off different games that we've finished (or not) at different stages of development. We'll be going over why we cut features and added features, give insight into our design process, and answer technical questions!

Keep in the know by joining our Discord!  https://discord.gg/stkYfWU

Our next meeting is this Monday September 25th - 5:30 pm in ECE 104!

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